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Brindiamo "ora" al tempo  🥂

Let's drink "now" to time 🥂

Posted by Carolina Amirfeiz on

It's Thursday evening and while I'm writing the newsletter for Easter there my 14 year old sister who is preparing to go dancing for the first time.
I won't hide from you that I am quite shocked 😲
I'm not surprised that he goes dancing, it's normal that way, even at his age I did the same things and I'm very happy that he has his first experiences.
I realized how fast time passes, I still see her with dolls in hand wondering which dress looks best on her Barbie.
Can we go back?..I don't think so!
The idea that that little dwarf, from one moment to the next, has become "big" it affects me a bit.
I would pay anything to go back It is enjoy it even more compared to what I've already done.
Therefore let's toast to "time", appreciating every single moment.
Let's enjoy "not" the moment and not putting it off a "Tomorrow"!
My wish is live every single moment aware that every day is unique, savoring every second of it!
See you soon,
Carolina  💜 

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Miami: where every hour is happy hour 🏖️

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