My sisters, bye
Wow, when I think that the last time I wrote on the Blonde Diary dated back to the time of my trip to Miami in June… it makes me sick! I feel bad because these four months have flown by and, with a thousand commitments, I have no longer been able to update you on all the news. And I assure you that there are, and how!
I would like to open a nice bottle of red wine to tell you everything, as I would with a group of friends, but… no wine for me, girls! If you follow me on Instagram perhaps you have already discovered it, but I haven't officially announced it here yet: I'm about to become a mother of a little girl who will be called Allegra and the due date is December 24th… a kind of early Christmas giftin short!
When I found out I was pregnant, it was the beginning of May and I was already in my second month. An incredible surprisefor me and Nico! We dreamed of a family, but we didn't expect it to come so soon. At first, I admit, I was a mix of emotions: scared, happy, incredulous. But when I told Nico and saw his reaction - he was the happiest person in the world - I immediately calmed down, and little by little all the fears started to fade away. Ah well, obviously, I immediately called "Uncle Sandro", who was over the moon! I still remember him, he told me: "Children are the most beautiful thing in the world and remember that they bring money." Hahaha, I loved it!
Up until the seventh month it was one of the best times of my life. I was reborn, with an energy I had never had before! But then, with the seventh month, some small obstacles arrived... I wasn't very well physically and on the At work there were a lot of "hassles" that agitated me a lot, stressing me out a little too much. Luckily I'm better now, even though the hormones are making themselves felt! I feel more tired, physically and mentally, and I have constant mood swings! Maybe it's also the thought that the moment is near, and every now and then fears attack me: fear of not being up to it, of not being ready, of not being able to manage everything. But then I take a nice deep breath, calm down and say to myself: I'll make it!

In this period I am reading "The courage to try" by Simona Scrocchia, and a sentence that struck me is: "uphill you don't stop, you accelerate."
I really like this thought and I fully agree with it! I highly recommend this read, it's very informative.
That said, a special thank you goes to you, sisterine, because in these months you have kept me company, filled me with compliments, and given me a thousand pieces of advice when I showed you my insecurities and fragilities. By now you are like friends, and I would really love to gradually meet all of you in person
A big hug to everyone!
I love you,