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Perdersi per ritrovarsi: Marrakech.

Getting lost to find yourself: Marrakech.

Posted by Carolina Amirfeiz on

Hi sisterine,

At the moment, I am writing these words to you from home.

It's five in the afternoon, from the window I see a sunset marvelous and I have just returned from one of the most sensational experiences I have ever had. For this reason, tonight, I would like to take a moment to tell you about this last one of mine voyage. In a word, unforgettable ✨ ✨

What I have left are the dating, the emotions, the will to live and of travel again and again, which I hope, through these lines, to be able to convey to you.


Marrakech it is unique in the world.

It has colors, flavors and smells that you don't feel, you don't perceive in such a distinct and evident way anywhere else.

The best thing is to get lost in the Mthe only one, scrutinize every alley, see every shop with its craftsmen at work and find yourself surrounded by… colors.

Colors turned on, gaudy, brilliant. It's really hard to put all this into words but I'm trying.

As you walk through the various alleys, then, you listen to the prayer, broadcast throughout the city, and it is something magical (think, they pray 5 times a day), extremely relaxing. The words, the way they're intoned, it almost feels like one nanna nanna.

Not to mention the food (sorry grandma Miccia, don't be offended 😝): i flavours they are incredible, it is as if an explosion of lord in your palate. Their spices then, as they use them, an extraordinarily tasty, incredible mix.

I'll try to convince grandma and uncle Sandro to recreate some of the recipes that I tasted but I'm afraid it won't be an easy feat but maybe they will amaze me too, who knows 😆

I like Marrakech because when you are there it almost feels like go back in time, or maybe, even, it just seems as if time has stopped.

I felt like I was transported 100 years ago, it was crazy. The goods are transported by donkeys, to make you understand. And for those like me who are used to seeing almost always only cars, scooters or public transport of various kinds, it is something that strikes you, which you really pay attention to. It makes you think.

They have a rhythm quieter than us westerners. That's for sure!

It's all much slower, but in the ′′ positive ′′ sense of the word.

You understand how important it is live every minute to the fullest and it makes you understand how much the frenzy of our cities doesn't lead to much good, because you almost always end up not realizing the voracious and fast time that passes, so much so that you almost feel you're losing something, despite making a thousand all together.

In short, enjoy every moment, calmly. This is what they do there and this is what I will try to do from now on.

Well, as you can understand this place has really given me a lot, and not only on a material level but also on a spiritual level, so to speak.

So I go home with a cultural baggage (and of purchases, because you've seen it, I've made some 🤣) big big and one breath of fresh air which, for someone like me who has to do with creativity, it is absolutely fundamental. Although, to tell the truth, I think it is for all *.

Who knows maybe one day, when I'm older or retire, I'll move there.

Marrakech literally stole my heart 💘

Lots of love


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